شارك برأيك
أرشيف الأخبار
مواصفات الخريج ببرنامج الميكروبيولوجي والكيمياء
: The graduates of this program should be able to
1. Provide the students with knowledge of nomenclature and classification of different kinds of chemistry and microorganisms.
2. Absorb basic knowledge of the different branches of chemistry and microbiology as wll as the different mechanisms of their interaction with other plant and animal systems.
3. Attain knowledge and understanding of the significance of microorganisms as essential components of various ecosystems and how they interact with different aspect of plant and human life.
4. Appreciate the economic importance of microorganisms and their biotechnological aspects.
5. Gain the skills to apply approaches and concepts required to interpret microbial life processes.
6. Acquire professional skills to use techniques, information technology (IT), biostatistics and bioinformatics to address issues in microbiology and chemistry.
7. Provide the society and industry with the necessary requirements for qualification to work and participate in all fields of microbiology and chemistry.
8. Develop the intellectual and practical skills,solve problems,havetha capability for continous learning and the capacity to work individually and in a team.