كلية العلوم | جامعة دمياط

المعايير الأكاديمية لبرنامج الكيمياء

National academicstandards (NARS) of basic science and chemistry


1.Knowledge and Understanding

   On completing this program, graduates should be able to:

1.1. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the theories, facts, concepts, fundamentals and   techniques related to the fields of chemistry and biochemistry.

1.2. Acquire the essential knowledge in mathematics, physics, biology, statistics and other collateral subjects in order to understand the advanced and contemporary topics of chemistry and biochemistry.

1.3. Exhibit familiarity with the principles and procedures used in chemical analyses as well as in characterization and structural investigation of compounds.

1.4. Characterize the chemical nature and behavior of the functional groups in different types of molecules.

1.5. Appreciate the concepts of bio-diversity and maintaining of natural resources.

القدرة الذهنية:

2.Intellectual Skills

   On completing this program, graduates should be able to:

  2.1. Discuss subject- related theories and assess their concepts and principles.

2.2. Analyze, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative scientific data relevant to the various subjects of chemistry and biochemistry.

2.3. Develop lines of argument and appropriate judgment in accordance with scientific theories and concepts in the area of study.

2.4. Postulate and deduce mechanisms and procedures to handle scientific problems and choose optimum solutions for chemical and biochemical problems based on critical thinking.

2.5. Construct several related and integrated information to confirm, make evidence and test hypotheses.

2.6. Analyze and interpret quantitative data relevant to the fields of chemistry and biochemistry in graphs, figures, tables, equations, and other sources of information.

مهارات مهنية وعملية:

3.Practical and Professional Skills

   On completing this program, graduates should be able to:


1.. Plan and conduct investigations using appropriate techniques relevant to the fields of chemistry and biochemistry and write structural reports on the data in accordance with the standard scientific guide lines.

3.2. Solve problems related to the fields of chemistry and biochemistry using a range of formats and approaches and employ appropriate techniques and tools in accordance with scientific ethics.

3.3. Handle chemical materials safely and conduct risk assessments taking into account their physical and chemical properties to avoid hazards associated with their use.

3.4. Employ standard laboratory instruments, procedures, and techniques used in the chemical and biochemical investigations.

3.5. Apply mathematical and computational tools to analyze and interpret experimental data in terms of theories relevant to chemistry and biochemistry.

3.6. Read, scrutinize, and evaluate the validity and relevance of literature in a critical thinking approach.

3.7. Consider variations inherent in dealing with biological materials such as sample size, accuracy, precision and calibration.

المهارات العامة والقابلة للنقل:  

4.General Skills

   On completing this program, graduates should be able to:

4.1. Use information and communication technology effectively.

4.2. Identify roles and responsibilities, delegate tasks, and set clear guidelines and performance     indicators.

4.3. Think independently and solve problems on scientific basis.

4.4. Work in a team effectively, manage time, collaborate and communicate with others positively.

4.5. Address the community linked problems with considerable attention to the community ethics  and traditions.

4.6. Acquire self - and lifelong learning.

4.7. Deal with property rights legally and ethically.

4.8. Exhibit the sense of beauty and neatness.

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